Sunday, February 14, 2010

Viña del Mar -> Olmue

(Sebastian (host/left) & the Surfers: Me, Martine from Norway, and Sarah from Australia)

The weekend in Viña del Mar far exceeded expectations. Sebastian (see above) was a superb host, taking us to all the local hot spots and treating us to a most delicious Chileano maritime BBQ at his friend's house just to the north in Rañaca (pictures of the BBQ below). All of Sebastian's friends were very nice and welcoming and they also spoke a damn near perfect English. Nonetheless, I learned a lot of Spanish throughout the weekend (especially all of the necessary local slang, very important). On Monday (Feb 8th), I hopped a train and bus to Olmue, a quant mountain town just north and inland (east) from Viña del Mar to start work on my first WWOOF farm. We worked a lot in the first week; long hours under the sun harvesting the ever so obscure yet tasty fruit the cuke-asaurus. As I haven't had much time to take pictures of the farm, I'll save the detailed description for later. However, the farm life isn't so bad. We've got a pool, TV, computer, and (now) a bed (I was sleeping in my tent for the first 4-5 days). There's also 24 dogs here! I've attached some pictures below. Most are from Viña del Mar. There's one from Santiago and a couple from Olmue.

(Hanging outside the Presidential Palace, Santiago, Chile - Photo taken by Nona Landers!)

(The 'other' Groovy Uvy aka UVM, Viña del Mar, Chile)

(Sebastian Soto showing off the spread, Rañaca, Chile)

(Tasty fresh mussels... Mmmmm, Rañaca, Chile)

(Sarah and I right down by dah beach! Viña del Mar, Chile)

(Sebastian Soto's door signed by every couch surfer that has ever stayed at his house, Viña del Mar, Chile)

(Leaving my mark, Viña del Mar, Chile)

(The digs in Olmue. In the background is the peak we are going to hike next weekend. Olmue, Chile)

(Martin, pronounced "Marteeeeeeeeeen!" Son of Jessie, our cook. Cutest kid ever? Olmue, Chile)

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